
The following is a transcription from Bill Adam's trumpet class at Indiana University School of Music, Bloomington, Indiana, USA from September, 1982.

...we talk about the way my father talked to me about the Lord's Prayer. And the Lord's Prayer goes something like this: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.......very thy name. Alright?

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in all you bastards get in line, and we're gonna do it on earth, like eventually it's going to be up there. We're not going to wait conk out, 'cause that won't do you any good. So we're gonna get in line down here. Alright? We're going to create in our minds that healthy thing that makes for good music and makes for good people.

Give us this day our daily bread. That doesn't mean you're going to get a lot of tomatoes and all that sort of stuff and just eat. That means that....this daily bread thing is a lot more. We only have one day: that's today. We already had yesterday, we're going to have tomorrow, and so you might as well live just today and don't beat up yesterday, and don't live tomorrow before it gets here. I know a lot of people are in a hurry so they want to live tomorrow before it's here. So live just that one day. I also want you to remember that you can take a day off, but you can't put it back. So it's a good idea to get at it.

Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.......if you cannot forgive your fellow man, then you cannot forgive yourself. So don't take any slander upon yourself by criticizing your neighbor. Okay? So we're going to be that superior human being.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil........There's one huge, big sin in the world: feeling sorry for yourself. So we're not going to feel sorry for ourselves. Because feeling sorry for yourself is the first line of attack on yourself that destroys yourself. It makes you program your mind into an area where you are going to destroy yourself. If you want some interesting information on that, read Inner (Game of) Tennis.

Inner Tennis is a heck of a good book. "A" is playing "B" and "C" is the judge....A hits the ball out of the court, and B says "Oh, goody, goody, goody! Just keep that up A! I'm gonna win this game!" B was not going to win it because he was superior, but he was going to win it because of the way he wanted that A to play, through his faults, right? So A says, "Oh my gosh my backhand is wrong"....I can't remember the order of this...but something's he changes the position of the way he's going to hit the ball, but he already programmed the ball out of the court. So he bashed the ball again, and sure enough from the first programming...mental programming...he drove the ball out of the court again. So B is happier and C calls the ball out of the court, and A at that time is saying, "Well, my forearm is wrong, I'm going to hold the racket a different way." This went on and on, and the first thing you know, A tells himself: "I can't play tennis." Now your creative mind is going to believe everything that your sensory mind tells it. So he said he couldn't play tennis. And as we went a little further, A says: "Boy, I'm a lousy guy!" Well, all of this is untrue, see? But what happened, is he programmed himself into this thing. So, don't program yourself into any of this junk.

If you pick up your trumpet and play a note and say "Holy mackeral! That stinks!"......well the first thing you are doing is.....your sensory mind....that's with one of your senses....tells your creative mind that it stinks. And so, what happens is that you build upon that. Now, if that tone doesn't sound the way you want it to sound, what you do is, you say........NOTHING about it. You don't even think anything about it. And you re-program a beautiful sound in your mind, and the first thing you know, that starts to take over. But that's what you have to watch when you're playing the trumpet. If articulation isn't there, or this or that or the other thing, you've got to watch your programming. Feeling sorry for yourself causes all these programming things to go to your head. So we're going to program ourselves for all those good things that are neccessary to have when you play. " When you get in the business, now, all those people who have had the opportunity to have studied and have worked in a situation where the human being was pretty important, that you can see what the profession is like, sometimes. And sometimes you can run into someone who has got an awful lot of problems, although the guy might be able to play the socks off of what he's doing, and I'm referring to Mister Buddy Rich. Now Buddy is a fine drummer, but I wouldn't be surprised if Buddy would be where he is, if it weren't for his drums. So there are a lot of things that happen, but we don't criticize that either. But anyway, watch that 'feeling sorry for yourself.' You know, somebody plays a real hot lick and the other guy says,"Boy, I wish I could do that!" and he tries harder and harder and pretty soon the notes don't come out at all. So watch that thing of programming.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.......And this business of thine is really your mind. Your mind is your kingdom; that's where you exist; within your mind. Your mind is your strength, and your mind is your happiness. So what you've got to do is make sure that attitude is exactly right. Now I want you to think about that a little bit, because if you can think about that and get that sucker squared away, You're going to find that things are going to go an awful lot easier.

Article transcription courtesy of Barry Springer