
Photo courtesy of Carole Nowicke. Used with permission from the Indiana University Archives.

Photo courtesy of Carole Nowicke. Used with permission from the Indiana University Archives.

Photo courtesy of Carole Nowicke. Used with permission from the Indiana University Archives.

IU Brass Choir May 6, 1959, 59-851. Ken Schubert said: My best recollections are: At the right rear of Brass Choir - Mr. William Adam, Professor of Trumpet and Conductor of the Indiana University Brass Choir [1959]; Back Row: Robert Platt; Fred Peterson; ??; Alice Ann Strain; Sy Pryweller[?]; Ken Schubert Second Row: ??; Carl Horn [Bass Bone]; ??; Louie ?; John Rehm First Row: ?? [I know, but can't remember]; ??