Jim Donaldson, the author of the web pages for The Schilke Loyalist and The Trumpet Gearhead sadly passed away in August 27, 2017. His old web pages have been successfully retrieved from the Internet Archive and are now being hosted at EverythingTrumpet.com as a tribute to Jim's love of the trumpet. He was always willing to help out anyone who was keen on the trumpet. Out of respect to Jim, the internal web pages he created will remain as he left them.No copyright infringement is intended. However, If you believe there is content within Jim's pages which belongs to you make a request to have it immediately removed from EverythingTrumpet.com. There is no intention of monetizing Jim's content. It is provided here simply for your enjoyment and informational purposes.
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- Schilke ball caps and t-shirts for sale
- The Schilke Loyalist in Japanese?
For Jim Donaldson's answers to a few frequently,
or at least occasionally, asked questions, go to:
The Trumpet Gearhead.
Last revised: August 12, 2008.
proof-reading errors, dead links, and corrections.
Jim Donaldson
and is included among the latest
Top 25 Online Trumpet Resources.

© 1999 - 2008 by James F.
All rights reserved